From the 7th of November, the birthday of the first rector of the University of Latvia Ernest Felsberg, the Library at Kalpaka Boulevard is opening the exhibition “Treasures of the Library: E. Felsberg - 150”. The opening takes place in the context of the sequence of anniversary events, including a conference devoted to Prof. E. Felsberg and the opening of the facsimile edition of his work “Akropole un Partenons” (“The Acropolis and Parthenon”). The Opening of the exhibition is planned to be 15.00.

The exhibition series under the title “Treasures of the Library” exposes exhibits from the Library holdings, some of which may have been forgotten during the course of time and not now in active circulation. The theme is honorable people whose anniversaries we celebrate this year, and now Prof. Ernest Felsberg (150) replaces Prof. Embrik Strand (140) in this respect. This exhibition is dedicated to the personality of Prof. Ernest Felsberg and his contribution, not only to the University of Latvia, but also to the world of art history, and includes both documentary testimonies that deal with significant events in his life and a wide range of library resources from the Art Cabinet established by him. The exposition also includes books from his private library that were combined with the library of the Art Cabinet to create the special collection of the Library of UL known as the “Integrated collection of Prof. Ernest Felsberg, UL Rector, and of UL Art Cabinet”. Some particular exhibits from the former Art Cabinet and museum replicas can also be seen. Professor E. Felsberg was a person who created the exposition of UL Art Cabinet. The beginning of the Cabinet of Art History, established in the academic year of 1921/22, relates to Greek and Roman history, which was the main interest of the Professor. Some gypsum duplications of Greek scupltures, as well as some museum-quality objects, were purchased, but the main trend was to provide special literature on art history, mostly Greek and Roman. This library of art literature became the most extensive and valuable collection of its kind in Latvia from the beginning of the 20th century, containing all epoches and branches of art, including classical art history editions, literature on antique art, cultural heritage of ancient Egypt and its archaeological research, works about Renaissance artists and other editions. The most colourful items are shown in this exhibition, which offers more than a hundred and fifty various exhibits. The exhibition is complemented by an interactive audio guide, giving you an opportunity to listen to a recorded narration.   Linked news: Bibliotēkas dārgumi no zoologa, LU profesora, Dr. Embrika Stranda kolekcijas Bibliotēku dārgumi vērtību joprojām nezaudē Bibliotēku dārgumu izstādes senā dziesma jaunās skaņās Iespēja atklāt Latvijas Universitātes bibliotēku krāšņākos dārgumus
