Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the University of Latvia and the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Latvia, a series of events “Korean Days in Latvia 2019” in cooperation with Pusan National University in South Korea will be held to offer extensive insight into Korean culture and provide opportunities to gain new knowledge about this country.

Celebratory series are organised by Pusan National University (PNU) and University of Latvia (UL) in close cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Latvia, UL Faculty of Humanities / Center for Korean Studies, PNU College of Art / European Union Center, PNU Library. The events are supported by Busan International Film Festival, Latvian National Library, Samsung in Riga.

Korean Days programme highlights:

The 5th Baltic International Symposium

Main organizer: PNU International and International Relations of UL,

assisted by Faculty of Humanities/Center for Korean Studies of UL, EU Center of PNU

Academic Conference, day 1:

Date: 25.06., 10:00-14:30

Venue: UL Main Building, Small Hall (Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga)

Session 1 - Opening

Session 2 - Economy and Politics

Special lecture: "The Division of Korean Peninsula and North Korea's Nuclear Program"

Date: 25.06., 15:00-17:00

Venue: Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Soros Auditorium (Strēlnieku iela 4a, Riga)

Organizers: Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Latvia in cooperation with the

Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga)

Lecturer: Prof. Robert E. Kelly, Pusan National University

Academic Conference, day 2:

Date: 26.06., 10:00 - 18:30

Venue: UL Main Building, Small Hall (Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga)

Session 3 - History and Culture

Quiz and Korean speech contest

Date: 26.06., 13:00 - 16:00

Venue: UL Main Building, Small Hall (Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga)

Part 1 (13:00): Quiz

Korean language speakers will test their knowledge of Korea and its culture.

Part 2 (15:00): Korean speech contest

Participants will present information about their favourite authors and recite the poetry of their choice.

Korean Music Performance (60 min):

Session 5 - Korean Traditional Music and Dance

Main organizer: PNU International and International Relations of UL,

assisted by College of Arts of PNU, Faculty of Humanities/Center for Korean Studies of UL

Cultural Programme:

Books Exhibition for Korean Studies, Ancient Writings and Maps:

Through this exhibition, PNU Library reflects upon the contents of Korean culture, arts, literature, science etc., showing the material of Busan City, and the old maps and ancient documents of considerable rarity.

Date: 21.06. - 27.06., 10:00 - 18:00

Venue: National Library of Latvia (Mūkusalas iela 3, Riga)

Korean film screening:

Screening of 3 films (twice each) with English subtitles.

Venue: “Kino Bize”, Elizabetes iela 37, Riga

Date: 25.06.

18:00 - Lecture by Prof. Sun Jung Park “Korea in movies: people on the edge”

18:20 - “소공녀 (Microhabitat)”

20:10 - “죄 많은 소녀 (After My Death)”

Date: 27.06.

18:00 - “호랑이보다 무서운 겨울 손님 (A Tiger in Winter)”

20:00 - “죄 많은 소녀 (After My Death)”

Date: 28.06.

18:00 - “소공녀 (Microhabitat)”

20:00 - “호랑이보다 무서운 겨울 손님 (A Tiger in Winter)”

Korean music programme:

Performance 1:

Date: 26.06., 17:40-18:40

Venue: UL Main Building, Small Hall (Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga)

Performance 2:

Date: 27.06., 17:00-18:40

Venue: Aizkraukle City Culture House (Spīdolas iela 2, Aizkraukle)

Performance 3:

Date: 29.06., 17:00-18:40

Venue: UL Main Building, Small Hall (Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga)

More information about the Korean days is available at the Facebook page of the Center for Korean Studies: https://www.facebook.com/KorejasStudijuCentrs
