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My Erasmus students all said, “Latvia is great!”. Interview with Laura Dean
17.08.2020. 17.14 Ziņa
I can’t tell you how many doors have been opened in my life because I speak Latvian – says Laura Dean, a guest lecturer at University of Latvia in the Social science faculty this semester through the Fulbright program sponsored by the US government. Laura Dean has a long history with University of Latvia – she taught the first course at University of Latvia on gender and politics at the faculty. She was also a former international student at University of Latvia in 1999 when she was an undergraduate student from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and again as a master's student in 2007-2008. How did Latvia become a place for your research and work? I was an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and I went to a study abroad fair my first semester of university. I studied political science and I always knew I wanted to study abroad. There were basically two programs where I could study Political Science in English. I had taken Spanish in high school
Remember your Alma Mater
22.10.2012. 13.31 Ziņa
frequently, that the relationship between a graduate and a university does not cease at graduation. Those who have once committed to their chosen university, remain faithful, and proudly carry the name of it through the whole of their life . Many UL graduates have shown respect and adherence supporting the University after they finished their studies. Contribution In 1939, Kārlis Kaufmanis graduated from the University of Latvia, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Astronomy Department with a Bachelor's degree, whereas in 1943, he achieved a Master's degree. Kārlis Kaufmanis, Latvia-born Astronomy Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota (USA), passed away in 2003. He has left by his will 100,000 dollars for the UL to promote the development of astronomy in Latvia. It has to be used as inviolable capital funds, with interest income paid as scholarships for talented students of astronomy. In his will it is written: “ To my beloved science - Astronomy – for its further
RESEARCHER OF THE MONTH: Ruvin Ferber speaking about physics, Laser Centre and science
29.05.2012. 14.17 Ziņa
is quite a lot! How did you manage it? It’s simple: publications are not made by a single person. I have good colleagues and we cooperate perfectly well, we work in groups and learn from one another. Academic work is very creative and at the same time it demands accuracy. It might sound strange, but in this sense my work could be compared to that of an actor, who learns their parts and rehearses for many hours. Even their work includes a lot of routine. Similarly it is with research work. It often takes months and even years to create a good article. It’s nice that the work can be split up: there are colleagues, who like making measurements but don’t like writing, and there are those, who are good at writing but don't take part in experiments. There are theoreticians, who can calculate very fast and accurately, and those, who don’t like calculating. And all the activities are always surrounded by ideas– what to do, which direction to go next. For everyone involved it is always something
2017. gada rezultāti
13.02.2018. 12.26 Saturs
projekta realizācijai. Z.Rubene. Uzsākta partnerība starp LU un Lietišķā menedžmenta augstskolu, Ismaninga, Vācija. Kopīgas doktora studiju programmas “Pedagoģijas zinātne” īstenošanai. Citi sasniegumi: D.Nīmante, L.Daniela, B.Martinsone uzstāšanās ar referātu “The implementation challenges of programs “Support for positive behavior” and “Social emotional development” in children’s home – shelter: experience of Latvia”. L.Daniela kopā ar kolēģiem no Polijas, Portugāles, Rumānijas un UK uzstāšanās ar referātu “Meaningful Time for Professional Growth or a Waste of Time? A Study in Five Countries on Master's Dissertation/Thesis Work” in Teacher Education European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) Annual conference. A. Misseyanni, L. Daniela, M. Lytras, P. Papadopoulou, C. Marouli Uzstāšanās ar referātu “Analyzing Active Learning Strategies in Greece and Latvia: Lessons Learnt and the Way Ahead” International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). L.Daniela, M
Smadzeņu audu ilgtermiņa funkcionalitātes izmaiņu izpēte pēc išēmiska insulta
12.07.2023. 17.20 Saturs
). Papildus šim, esmu arī audzējis PPC1 un M21 līniju šūnas, lai no tām izolētu ekstracelulārās vezīkulas, kas kalpotu par pozitīvo kontroli. Pārbaudīju arī šo vezīkulu saistīšanās pārbaudi PPC1 un M21 šūnu kultūrā, izmantojot plūsmas citometrijas metodi. X. ceturksnis (01.04.2023. - 30.06.2023.) Projekta pēdējā ceturksnī tika sagatavots raksts par uzvedības izmaiņām 2 mēnešu pēc išēmiska insulta viltus operētām un insulta modeļa pelēm. Izmantoti atklātā lauka testa un kopējās aktivitātes dati (no TSE PhenoMaster aparāta), raksts tapis sadarbībā ar partneriem no Polijas (Nencki Institūts Varšavā). Raksts bija iesniegts žurnālā Behavioural Brain Research un 26.06.2023 saņemta atbilde no žurnāla ar lūgumu veikt nelielas korekcijas rakstā, lai tas tiktu publicēts. Turpinājās arī sadarbība ar Tartu Universitāti, kur došos jūlijā, lai turpinātu darbu ar ekstracelulāro vezīkulu funkcionalizēšanas eksperimentiem, izmantojot zaļo fluorescento proteīnu ekspresējošās šūnu līnijas. Vladimirs Piļipenko
Dr.habil.paed., professor Irēna Žogla
23.07.2014. 16.45 Saturs
Director of the master’s program ‘Pedagogy’ ; +371 29557576 Research and academic profile : teacher education; didactic and theories of teaching-learning; school pedagogy. Activities: chair of the Council for promotion in pedagogy, the University of Latvia; expert in pedagogy, the Council of sciences of the LR; member of the faculty council; member of the Association for teacher education in Europe (ATEE); member of the American educational research association (AERA). Recent publications relevant for the MSP: Žogla I. (2013). Global Recession: Current processes, challenges and perspective of teacher education in the Baltic countries. In: Stephenson J., Ling L. (Eds). Challenges to Teacher Education in Difficult Economic Times. Routledge. Pp 63-76. ISBN 978-0-415-66198-0 (hbk); ISBN 978-0-203-07292-9 (ebk) Žogla I. (2001). Didaktikas teorētiskie pamati . Rīga: Raka. (in Latvian). Theoretical Background of Didactic (2001). Rīga: Raka. Consult. Dr. V
2017. gada nozīmīgākās publikācijas
08.03.2020. 17.58 Saturs
Torres Valencia: IATED, 2017, p.4620-4628. ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2 DOI: 10.21125/inted.2017.1088 Misseyanni, A., Daniela, L., Lytras, M., Papadopoulou, P., Marouli, C. (2017). Analyzing Active Learning Strategies in Greece and Latvia: Lessons Learnt and the Way Ahead, International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2017); 6-8 March, 2017, Valencia (Spain): Conference Proceedings / eds. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres Valencia: IATED, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2 DOI: 10.21125/inted.2017.1088 Kowalczuk-Walędziak, M., Clipa, O., Daniela, L. (2017) .Do Teachers Really Need a Master’s Degree? Student Teachers’ Perspectives. Journal of Educational Sciences, 1(35), 38-58. ISSN 1454-7678 Volume M.J. Fernández González. (2017). Undergraduate students’ strategies for negotiating emerging performer and teacher identities. Psychology of Music . First Published September 11
02.12.2019. 17.19 Saturs
Proceedings of ATEE Spring Conference “Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education, 2019” Editor Linda Daniela , University of Latvia, Latvia ISBN 978-9934-18-482-6 The book “Innovations, technologies and research in education, 2019” includes research papers presented at the ATEE Spring Conference 2019 ( on emerging trends in technology-enhanced learning, on innovative educational ideas, and on how to facilitate learning motivation, transformative learning, integrative learning, constructivism and constructionism, novel approaches, and innovative educational solutions. The ATEE Spring Conference has been organized by the Association of Teacher Education in Europe and the University of Latvia biannually since 1997. Contents Preface Neus Lorenzo Galés, Ray Gallon. Integrating Education, Technology, and SDG’s: a three-pronged collaboration Lana Frančeska Dreimane. Understanding the Educational
The Name of Žanis Lapuķis Resonates in Clergy All Around the World
27.04.2020. 14.24 Ziņa
spiritual valuesand beliefs.Ž.Lapuķis cared about the education of young theologians in Latvia and had provided them with support during his lifetime and wished that it would continue after his deathsothat there would be noshortage of clergymen in his homeland. Graduate of the UL Faculty of Theology, pastor Oskars Smoļaks.Photo from personal archive. Scholarship – a valuable gift for life For the first time, scholarships named after Žanis Lapuķis were awarded to the UL students in 2011/2012academic year.A four-time scholarship recipient (2011-2015) and a true guide for all his fellows is Oskars Smoļaks , a graduate of the UL Faculty of Theology and a clergyman.While studying for a master's degree at the UL Faculty of Theology, O. Smoļaks also started studying at the LELB Luther Academy.In 2014, he was ordained as an evangelist and began serving in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bolderāja.In 2015, on the day of the Reformation, he was ordained, and in 2016, he received a cross
Researcher of the Month: Andrejs Vasks speaks about mediators between mute things and live stories
24.08.2012. 19.21 Ziņa
found a snail-head pin, which is very interesting, because I haven’t heard of any other such pins to be found in Latvia. Another nice finding is an amber button fragment. The number of objects found is quite moderate, but all the structural remnants, fortification walls and other findings indicate that it is a hillfort, which was inhabited in the late Bronze Age– from1100 to about 500BC. It is also possible that it was inhabited even later, during the period called the earliest Iron Age– from 500BC up to the turn of ages, however, no supporting evidence was found in this regard. Prehistory is the earliest period of history and archaeological discoveries are essential reference objects for researchers – the results of their study help schoolchildren get an insight into the relevant time period. In this way children can learn what is family, people and Motherland, how our ancestors lived starting with the first settlers that came to our land many thousands of years ago, as well
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