Līdz piektdienai, 15. februārim, aicina jaunos zinātniekus pieteikt dalību konferencē DOC 2019, kas notiks 11. un 12. aprīlī LU Dabaszinātņu akadēmiskajā centrā, Jelgavas ielā 1.

Konference “Developments in Optics and Communications” tiek organizēta jau 15. gadu. Šogad konferencei aicināti pieteikties jaunie zinātnieki, kas darbojas kādā no sekojošām jomām:

- Lāzeru fizika un spektroskopija,
- Redzes zinātne,
- Optika komunikācijās,
- Optiskie materiāli un parādības,
- Biofotonika


Līdzīgi kā citus gadus, arī šogad konferences DOC 2019 ietvaros notiks Laserlab IV, kur aicina pieteikties studentus ar interesi par lāzeru fiziku. Pieteikties Laserlab Training School var līdz piektdienai, 15. februārim, sūtot motivācijas vēstuli un CV, kurā norādīta informācija par aktuālo pētniecības virzienu, uz e-pastu info@docriga.lv


Dalības maksa (Iemaksājama pēc reģistrācijas apstiprinājuma): SPIE / OSA biedriem - 10 EUR, pārējiem dalībniekiem - 20 EUR, viesiem – bez maksas.


Vairāk informācijas un reģistrācija ir pieejama tīmekļa vietnē  www.docriga.lv.

Pasākums tiek rīkots Latvijas Universitātes un starptautisko organizāciju #SPIE un #OSA atbalstu


In English:


The 15th International Young Scientist Conference “Developments in Optics and Communications 2019” will take place in Riga, Latvia, April 11-12th, 2019.

Young students are invited to contribute with a talk or a poster presentation relevant to the conference topics:


- Biophotonics;

- Laser physics and spectroscopy;

- Optical materials and spectroscopy

- Optics in communication;

- Vision science


The conference brings together students and young scientists that work in optics, photonics and fields related to them, to share their ideas and scientific challenges  and to create meaningful connections in the scientific community.


Abstract submission for the conference available until February 15th, 2019, 23:59, UTC+2.


This year, DOC continues an established tradition and cooperates with Laserlab. Graduate and postgraduate students with interest in laser physics are invited to register for Laserlab Training School, acquiring a hands-on experience in one of the three laser physics laboratories at the University of Latvia.

Online registration  available until February 15th, 2019, 23:59, UTC+2.  To apply you have to send motivation to participate in Laserlab Training School (300-400 words) and brief CV, including current scientific/research specialization


Participation fee (paid after confirmed registration)  for SPIE / OSA Student Members - 10.00 €, Other articipants - 20.00 €, guests -  FREE.


If visa is needed to enter Latvia, please contact the organizing committee before February 15th, 2019. Also limited amount of travel grants for covering travel expenses and accommodation will be available to international students. To apply for the grant, please, contact the organizing committee before February 15th, 2019.


Updates and information is also available on website www.docriga.lv as well as Facebook page www.facebook.com/ULSPIE. Contact the organizers through  info@docriga.lv.
