“This year the University of Latvia had the honour to organise and host the “Green HExagon” partners and participants in Riga for a face-to-face training on marketing. The bootcamp was attended by the best participants of the programme who are working on the development of their business ideas. It was a real pleasure to meet the participants in person and to introduce them to the University of Latvia and the country," said Liene Bērziņa, Head of the Business Incubator of the University of Latvia.
During the bootcamp, students worked two days in marketing-themed workshops together with lecturer, entrepreneur and PhD candidate Imants Krēziņš. They completed a mentoring session with mentors from the university incubator "UniLab" and the Latvian Business Angels Network "LatBAN". The camp participants also attended a lecture on starting a business and approaching investors, given by Voldemārs Bēdiķis. The event included various social activities and excursions.
Project partners from the University of Latvia (LU Business Incubator), University of Tartu, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (Point One Business Incubator) and Vienna Noistadt University of Applied Sciences (Startup Centre) visited the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia, participated in various discussions and explored various opportunities in the University of Latvia.
The “Green HExagon” pre-incubation programme will conclude with a Demo Day on 12 of June, where teams will compete for a 5000 EUR grant for prototyping, consulting and mentoring.
“Green HExagon” is a four-month online programme in English that supports the development of ideas that tackle a range of sustainability challenges, from climate and environment to education and inequality.
About the project
The project activities are organised with the support of the European Union Erasmus+ project "Entrepreneurship Learning Partnerships to Promote Innovation and Green Start-ups in Higher Education", project No 2022-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000090176, LU registration No ZD2022/21385.
The programme is organised by four partners: the University of Latvia (Business Incubator), the University of Tartu, the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (Point One Business Incubator), the Vienna Noistadt University of Applied Sciences (Startup Centre).
This project is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA accepts any responsibility for the views expressed.