Submission guidelines

(1) Text font: TIMES NEW ROMAN;

(2) Title of the paper: 16pt, bold, centered;

(3) Name(s), Surname(s) – should be written below the title of the paper, please use do not caps, 12pt, centered. Additional information about the title (e.g. Dr.), university/faculty/institution and e-mail address (not hyperlinked) should be written in the footnote;

(4) Footnotes: 10pt;

(5) Abstract (max 100 words): (the word itself should be written in 12pt), but the text of the abstract should be written in 10pt;

(6) Keywords: 10pt, not more than 5 keywords, without the JEL codes;

(7) Besides abstract, a paper should include: introduction, chapters, subchapters (if necessary), conclusions;

(8) Headings: 12pt, bold, numbered , alignment: left, please do not use caps;

(9) Text: 12pt, alignment: justified, line spacing: 1,15;

(10) Do not use the first line, but include the spacing (6 pt) after the paragraphs;

(11) Endnotes are not welcomed; If you have the endnotes, please remake them into footnotes;

(12) References: should include the most relevant papers. In the text, references to publications should appear as follows: ‘Gurelli (2010, p. 53) reported that . . . ’ or ‘This problem has been a subject in literature before (e.g., Gurelli, 2010, p. 53)’. For the online sources, which are not published, references can be used in the footnotes (see example in the attached annex)

(13) Bibliography: only sources directly cited in the body of the text should be included in alphabetical order, 10pt, alignment: justified, please do not write the names and surnames of the authors in caps. Please do not use the first line. Leave the spacing between them, like in the text between the paragraphs;

(14) All graphs and diagrams should be referred to as figures and should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals (e.g. Figure 1: Net staff salaries (Drucker, 2013, p. 80)).

(15) All unessential tables should be eliminated from the paper. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1: Net staff salaries (Drucker, 2013, p. 90)).

(16) The paper should not exceed 10 pages (38`000 characters with spaces);

(17) Do not insert page numbers.


Download Submission Guidelines  in PDF

Please submit your paper with the following structure for file name:

For the abstract: authorsurname_name_abstract, e.g. Muller_John_Abstract,

if several authors, surnames sequence according the alphabetical order

For the paper: authorsurname_name_paper (see example above).