Brief overview of Canada – Latvia relations


Canada was the first country of the G-7 to recognize Latvia's independence after Latvia regained its independence. Diplomatic relations between both countries were re- established on August 26th, 1991. In 2011, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Latvia and Canada. Today we can address issues of our co-operation not only from the perspective of bilateral relations, but also within the framework of the EU relations with Canada.


Canada and Latvia signed an Agreement on Youth Mobility in September 2006 during the visit to Canada by Latvia's then President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The objective of this agreement is to encourage the mobility of young Canadians and Latvians by creating new opportunities for them through work and travel. Under this agreement, it is easier for young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 to obtain a work or residence permit to engage in short-term employment. Canada and Latvia also signed a Social Security Agreement which entered into force in November 2006 and a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement in May 2009.


On October 31, 2007, the Canadian government announced that citizens of the Republic of Latvia no longer require a temporary resident visa to visit Canada. This announcement strengthened our relations.


In 2004, Canada was the first country to ratify Latvia's accession in NATO. Canada and Latvia are NATO allies. Training assistance has been a cornerstone of Canadian - Latvian defence relations. This started as part of Canada's NATO commitment to Partnership for Peace. Language immersion, peacekeeping, and other professional development courses have been offered to more than 300 Latvian military officers.


Canada’s trade relationship with Latvia is modest. In 2010, the value of goods exported from Canada to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia was $236.9 million (top industries: aerospace, machinery, seafood, lumber) whereas imports were $431.7 million (top industries: petroleum, furniture, minerals, textiles). Both countries have a good potential to further extend their trade and economic co-operation.


Canada actively promotes scholarly links and develops fruitful contacts with Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The academic relations initiatives of the Embassy and its local Offices strive to increase awareness of Canada through the encouragement of Canadian Studies programmes in Baltic universities.

The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) is a federation of national and multinational Canadian Studies associations to support research, education and publications in all fields of Canadian Studies in host countries. In the Baltic Sea region, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Canadian Studies Associations have been functioning since 1992.

The University of Latvia has a long standing co-operation with the University of Dalhausie (Halifax, Canada), which has helped to improve academic collaboration between both our countries. From 1993 to 1998 the University of Dalhausie organized the Baltic Economic Management Training Programme for public servants of the three Baltic States. 

The University of Latvia, CETS, has well developed relations with the European Studies Network in Canada; the EU - Canada Study Tour "Thinking Canada" and Internship Programme; Capilano University, Department of Political Studies; EU Centre of Excellence, Dalhausie University; Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Victoria; Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies and a project “Canada: Strategic Knowledge Cluster-Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue”, Carleton University; and other academic and research institutions in Canada.

CETS was a partner in 2008-2009 European Commission funded project EU Public

Diplomacy Project in Canada (PDP). Canada and the European Union: A Canadian Youth Program of outreach, Assessment, and dialogue and in 2009 hosted a International Forum: Canada- EU-Baltic States-Nordic Countries “Promotion of Social Policies – An Investment in the Future” held at the University of Latvia, Riga.  In 2010- 2011 CETS implemented a project: “Canadian Studies within the Social Sciences University Multi-disciplinary Settings” with the assistance of the Government of Canada/avec l’appui du gouvernement du Canada and the Embassy of Canada to Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.