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Discussions about Cooperation between Universities and Entrepreneurs to Develop Regions
16.05.2011. 14.26 Ziņa
In order to find a more successful approach in boosting efficient cooperation between universities and entrepreneurs and share knowledge, on May 5 the 11th Baltic Seminar of University Administrators on University-Business Cooperation for Regional Development will be opened at the University of Latvia. Search for Effectiveness “The cooperation between entrepreneurs and universities is a topical issue. The management of universities is in a transition period all around Europe, also Latvia. The European countries share common discussion topics and problems related to this context. This meeting is a great opportunity for sharing experience and looking for new solutions to practical issues, as well as finding a new way to make this cooperation more efficient,” emphasized the UL Rector Marcis Auzins in his greeting speech. These questions are being actively solved also by our neighbour countries – Lithuania and Estonia. Like in any other country, also in Latvia economic growth depends
Biophotonics laboratory actively works remotely
09.06.2020. 17.13 Ziņa
of the magazine called for a response, and Dr. S.Kazune gave her answer published in March (10.21037 / atm.2020.03.101). ERAF postdoc project “Development of prototype devices for non-invasive skin condition assessment” (, research manager - Dr.phys. Edgars Kviesis-Kipge During the project we work on the development of non-contact photoplethysmography (iPPG) methods. The plan is to develop and test a compact and easy-to-use contactless photoplethysmography signal recording device, which operates in the infrared range (760 nm). The prototype device consists of 12 infrared LEDs connected in six groups of two diodes each. In March-April, various surface mounting LEDs were studied, as a result Roithner LaserTechnik 400mW radiation power was selected. The electronic circuit of the devicewith an intensity controler of the LEDs has been created. Different LED current regulators have been researched and a 1500mA high-efficiency voltage-reducing regulator from Texas
Valsts valodas politika un LU Humanitāro zinātņu fakultāte – paveiktais 2022.–2023. gadā
10.04.2024. 15.26 Ziņa
promocijas padomē sekmīgi tiek aizstāvētas izcilas disertācijas. Latvijas Republikā kopš 2021. gada darbojas Valsts valodas politikas pamatnostādņu 2021.–2027. gadam īstenošanas plāns 2022.–2023. gadam (pieejams: ). Plāna mērķis ir nodrošināt latviešu valodas kā vienīgās konstitucionāli noteiktās valsts valodas ilgtspēju, tās lietojumu visās sabiedrības darbības jomās, sekmējot valodas izpēti un valodas resursu attīstību un digitalizāciju, stiprinot sabiedrības līdzdalību un individuālo atbildību valsts valodas politikas īstenošanā. Atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumā (pieejams: ) norādītajam minētais virsmērķis īstenojams, nodrošinot arī vēsturiskā latviešu valodas paveida ‒ latgaliešu rakstu valodas ‒ attīstību un lībiešu valodas kā vienīgās pirmiedzīvotāju valodas Latvijā saglabāšanu. Kopš 2021. gada LU HZF tiek
Baltu filoloģija XXIX (1) 2020
14.12.2020. 22.30 Saturs
Baltu filoloģija ir recenzējams izdevums ar starptautisku redakcijas kolēģiju / Baltu filoloģija is a fully refereed journal with an international panel of referees. Redaktors / Editor: Pēteris Vanags (Latvijas Universitāte, Stockholms universitet) Redaktora vietnieki / Associate Editors: Lidija Leikuma, Edmundas Trumpa (Latvijas Universitāte) ISSN 1691-0036 Redakcijas adrese / Editorial Address Baltu valodniecības katedra Humanitāro zinātņu fakultāte Latvijas Universitāte, Visvalža iela 4A, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia e-pasts: Baltu filoloģija XXIX (1) 2020(PDF) SATURS / CONTENTS Raksti / Articles Rainer ECKERT. Zur Baltistik in Schweden um die Mitte der siebzigerJahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts Der Artikel bietet einen kurzen Überblick über die Forschung zur baltischen Sprache in Schweden im 20. Jahrhundert. Die Aktivitäten von Linguisten in den 1970er und
PATRON OF THE MONTH. The Felsbergs Family Contribution to the UL and Advancement of Humanitarian Science
30.03.2020. 18.34 Ziņa
the best and highest quality education. All those who are capable should be able to obtain this education,” accentuates G. Bērziņš. The scholarship fund was created in 1999, as the parents Lūcija and Arvīds (1907–2000) had away 20 years ago. “ It seemed to me that the best venture was an investment in the education in Latvia. With the then vice-rector of the University of Latvia, prof. Juris Krūmiņš, we established the idea of a scholarship.”. The purpose of this scholarship is to support capable, diligent and socially active students of the UL in their humanities studies. Since 1999, 37 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Humanities (FH), the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art (FEPA) and the Faculty of History and Philosophy (FHP) have received the scholarships of Felsbergs family. With a modern outlook toward the future The patron G. Bērziņš, who has spent much of his life in Australia and the United Kingdom, formulates three wishes
The Felsbergs Family Contribution to the UL and Advancement of Humanitarian Science
03.04.2020. 17.23 Ziņa
left Latvia, and from 1946 to 1949 was employed as an associate professor of English and American Literature at the newly founded Baltic University in Hamburg and later also in Pinneberg. In 1949, the entire Felsbergs family emigrated to Australia. There, Guntis Bērziņš met his spouse Laima Asja (née Biezaite) (1942) and raised four sons; their eldest son, Valdis Bērziņš gained a master’s degree in archaeology and a doctorate from the University of Oulu, Finland. “I think during these times it is crucial that people are as educated as possible, thus, it is necessary to support higher education,” says the long-time UL patron, founder of the prof. Ernests Felsbergs Memorial Scholarship, professional engineer and public figure Guntis Bērziņš (1938), and emphasizes that the greatest and most valuable resource of Latvia is its people. “From the national point of view, it goes without saying that we require the best and highest quality education. All those who are capable should be able
The Felsbergs Family Contribution to the UL and Advancement of Humanitarian Science
05.06.2020. 18.47 Ziņa
, and from 1946 to 1949 was employed as an associate professor of English and American Literature at the newly founded Baltic University in Hamburg and later also in Pinneberg. In 1949, the entire Felsbergs family emigrated to Australia. There, Guntis Bērziņš met his spouse Laima Asja (née Biezaite) (1942) and raised four sons; their eldest son, Valdis Bērziņš gained a master’s degree in archaeology and a doctorate from the University of Oulu, Finland. “I think during these times it is crucial that people are as educated as possible, thus, it is necessary to support higher education,” says the long-time UL patron, founder of the prof. Ernests Felsbergs Memorial Scholarship, professional engineer and public figure Guntis Bērziņš (1938), and emphasizes that the greatest and most valuable resource of Latvia is its people. “From the national point of view, it goes without saying that we require the best and highest quality education. All those who are capable should be able to obtain
Practical Information
31.01.2011. 19.31 Saturs
Assistance We recommend you to obtain insurance before you come to Latvia. If you haven’t done it before the arrival, you can get medical and accident insurance at the local insurance companies: Balta (10-12 Raunas iela, Rīga, or ask the International Relations Department of the University of Latvia to advise you which organization is most advantageous for you. Emergency Calls, for mobile phone - 112 Fire 01, 112 Police 02 Ambulance 03 Gas leakage 04 If you stay in Riga: you can contact Medical Care Centre “ARS” (5 Skolas iela, Tel + (371) 67201001, + (371) 67201008, emergency home service: + (371) 67201003). ARS has English speaking doctors.In Latvia there are state, non-profit making and private hospitals. If you have to go to a hospital, the health insurance scheme will cover the costs, although you will have to pay a small charge during the first days. Pharmacies in Latvia are marked ‘’Aptieka’’, open on weekdays from 9 a.m to 7 p.m, and from 10 a.m to 4 p
Is it sustainable?
09.10.2020. 21.37 Saturs
area, the demand for protein for an animal feed could hardly be satisfied by local biorefineries with "green" protein, i.e., the land area available to grow the "green" protein will be at least six times less than needed to supply protein to feed all animals. What do we propose? We propose to always include and consider the limitations of the ecosystems modelled. Let's see on the example of case study performed. We show that the production of "green" animal-grade protein can be innovation for “buying” some additional time before the carrying capacity is reached, see Figure below. Figure: Representation of (on the left) the effect of innovation on the exploitation of the ecosystem, (on the right) the exploitation of the ecosystem reaching the ecosystem’s carrying capacity after several innovations. Figure adapted from Rockström et al., 2009 , Bettencourt et al., 2007 , and Sterman, 2000 . As given in the Figure above, technical innovation and productivity increase will mitigate
Master’s degree programme in English language, Literature and Language Acquisition
25.04.2024. 15.18 Saturs
process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake (application start: 02 Jan 2024; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person for more information Director of the Programme Assoc. prof. Zigrīda Vinčela E-mail: Coordinator of the Programme Jeļena Sevastjanova E-mail: Phone: +371 67034924 Faculty of Humanities 4A Visvalža Street, Riga, LV-1050 The programme has been developed within the framework of the project "Design of Internationally Competitive Study Programmes Promoting the Development of the National Economy of Latvia at the University of Latvia" (project No. / 18 / A / 015).
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