The applicants are invited to submit their applications for these positions until 15 September 2024.
“The University of Latvia continues the path to scientific excellence by expanding the opportunities for highly qualified professionals from the academic environment to acquire the positions of tenured professors in order to carry out high-level research, train young researchers and raise the prominence of science in society,” emphasizes UL Vice-Rector for Science, Assoc. Prof. Guntars Kitenbergs. “The university’s strategic goal is to be an internationally recognized leading science centre in the Baltics, and expanding the tenured professorship is a step towards achieving this objective. Notably, we aspire to expand the circle of tenured professors in both the exact sciences and humanities, and, moreover, in the fields that will complement and strengthen our university’s excellence in its areas of strategic specialization.”
The main duty of a tenured professor is to create a research group, conduct high-quality scientific research and publish its results, attract research funding, participate in student training, supervise theses and teach lecture courses, as well as build research-based cooperation with the public sector.
The applicants must hold a doctoral degree, as well as have the status of an internationally recognized specialist in the field, implementing research, knowledge or technology transfer assignments of contemporary relevance. During the last six years, the applicants must have demonstrated excellent performance in scientific or pedagogical work, or other professional achievements, as well as experience in organizational work and team management. Furthermore, the candidates for tenured professorship must be proficient in English at least at the level C1.
The exact requirements, documents to be submitted with the application, and other conditions for applicants can be found in the announcements published on lu.lv, on the vacancies portal of the State Employment Agency www.nva.gov.lv and on the international portal euraxess.ec.europa.eu – the leading portal for the research community of Europe – researchers, entrepreneurs and universities.
For all positions of tenured professors, the monthly salary is from 5 600 euro before taxes. The initial and annual funding, as well as the remuneration of the first doctoral student of the research group have also been earmarked.
Currently, the University of Latvia already employs six tenured professors – in medicine, physics, computer science, linguistics, philosophy and social sciences. The tenure system, introduced in several European countries, including Latvia, provides that elected academic staff – associate professors or professors – can be provided with an open-ended employment contract.