European Studies and Economic Diplomacy

Degree to be achieved: Master of Social sciences in Economics
Duration of studies: 2 years or 1 year (short programme)
Type of studies: Full time
Amount of credits: 80 credit points or 120 ECTS (1-year programme 40 credit points or 60 ECTS) 
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 7
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 7
Language of instruction: English
Accreditation: the program is accredited until 09.09.2027.

Tuition fee 
EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members; Long Term Resident EU - 2600 EUR per Year
Other сountry citizens - 2990 EUR per Year

2-year study programme:

Study programme offers in-depth studies of international economic relations, paying special attention to the theoretical and applied problems of international economics and economic diplomacy.

1-year study programme: 

Study programme offers studies of European Union: management and institutions, current topics of Latvia's integration process, International political economy, Public international law, Research methodology. 

Graduates’ comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge of European Union, diplomatic skills, analytical skills, and in-depth economic skills will provide solid basis for their work in different institutions of European Union, international organizations, as well as in national public and private sectors. Students gain knowledge for analytical and managerial positions in economic, political, and social fields, for diplomatic service, for economic lobbying activities at European Union level, and for further education in doctoral studies programmes leading to an academic career.

The programme provides studies in international environment of lingual and cultural diversity by attracting both international students, lecturers, and experts. Studies are conducted in English. The highlight of the program is a study trip to EU and NATO institutions in Brussels, Luxembourg and Frankfurt which helps to master the environment of international institutions in practice. Study trip is suject to an epidemiological situation in the region. 

Study Period and Classes Time

The full-time degree programme covers two academic years. Classes are in the evenings of working days from 6.15pm till 9.30pm.

Career Opportunities

Competitive employment and excellent career - economics, international law, and international politics studies are the opportunity for graduates to become senior executives, civil servants, employees of EU institutions, diplomats, journalists, consultants, analysts, lobbyists, entrepreneurs, as well as to work as lecturers and researchers.

More information about study programme and Study plan (2 year programme)

More information about study programme and Study plan (1 year programme)

ERASMUS+ exchange possibilities

UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship.  

More information:

ERASMUS + study mobility 
ERASMUS + traineeship moblity  

Admission requirements (2-year study programme)

  1. Academic or professional bachelor’s degree in economics or management science. Academic or professional bachelor’s degree in other fields of social sciences, or natural sciences, or the humanities, and considerable work experience in the field of economics that includes appropriate preliminary knowledge.
  2. The average grade in study courses must be 60% of the maximum.  
  3. English language proficiency.
  4. Quality of CV. Curriculum vitae (CV) must be submitted, which indicates the life course and experience, including experience in various European integration issues, international and intercultural communication experience, participation in public activities and organizations.
  5. Quality of Motivation letter.Motivation letter must be submitted stating the motivation to study in the study program "European Studies and Economic Diplomacy" and the rationale for the possible topic of the master's thesis.
  6. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview and fulfill the test. 

Admission requirements (1-year study programme)

  1. Academic or professional bachelor's degree in the field of social sciences in economics, management science or a similar field with a total duration of studies of not less than 4 years or 160 CP.
  2. The average grade in study courses must be 60% of the maximum.  
  3. English language proficiency.
  4. Quality of CV. Curriculum vitae (CV) must be submitted, which indicates the life course and experience, including experience in various European integration issues, international and intercultural communication experience, participation in public activities and organizations.
  5. Quality of Motivation letter.Motivation letter must be submitted stating the motivation to study in the study program "European Studies and Economic Diplomacy" and the rationale for the possible topic of the master's thesis.
  6. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview and fulfill the test.

Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024)

Full-time (2-year programme)

Full-time (1-year programme)

Contact person for questions about the programme structure: 

Director of the Programme                
Assoc. Prof. Inese Āboliņa
E-mail: inese.āboliņ

Contact person for questions about the admission process: 

International student advisor for degree studies
Gunita Ēķe