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Romance studies (sub-programme of academic program Linguistics, Literature and Regional Culture Studies)
25.04.2024 20:09 Content
Degree to be achieved: Masterin Humanities in Language Studies Duration of studies: Full time | 2 years Type of studies: Full-time Amount of credits: 80 Credit points or 120 ECTS European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 7 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 7 Language of instruction: English and French or Italian or Spanish Accreditation: The programme is accredited till07.12.2029. Tuition fee EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members; Long Term Resident EU - 2500 EUR per Year Other сountry citizens - 3700 EUR per Year "Romance studies" is the unique graduate program in Latvia providing academic education at the Master's level in the Romance languages. Specialized courses of the program are offered in French, Spanish or Italian, and focus on linguistic and cultural studies, language teaching, translation, and international relations. Program’s students can choose one of Romance languages
Sīkdatņu informācija
10.11.2023 11:51 Content
and selections, so that the user can use the site more conveniently, for example, remembering a username. These cookies are stored on the user's device at all times. 6. Analytical cookies – enable collecting information about how a user is using the website, find the most frequently visited sections, including the content that the user chooses while browsing the website. The information is used for analytical purposes to find out what interests users of the site, to improve the functionality of the site, and make it more user-friendly. Analytical cookies only identify the user's device, but do not reveal the user's identity. In some cases, some of the analytical cookies are managed by third parties on behalf of the site owner in accordance with the instructions and only for the specified purposes. These cookies provide information in an aggregated form. Third-party cookies can be stored on a visitor's device for a period up to several years. 7. Targeted (advertisement) cookies – also called
28.02.2024 15:43 Content
required for the performance of other duties in accordance with the Official Language Law; general competences – leadership, collaboration and persuasion skills, ability to create and implement strategies and concepts. The additional qualifications for each tenured position are listed in the Regulations for the Competition for a Tenured Position. Documents to be submitted (in Latvian and/or English): an application addressed to the UL Rector; a Curriculum Vitae, including a self-assessment of language proficiency, the applicant's contact details (telephone number, e-mail address, address), ORCID iD number, scientific, teaching, organisational and other professional experience, professional development activities, major publications, other information more fully describing the applicant's qualifications and eligibility, information on persons who can provide recommendations or references from cooperation partners with which the applicant has worked or is working; copies
03.04.2023 15:53 Content
Kosmaca, J., Jasulaneca, L., Meija, R., Andzane, J., Romanova, M., Kunakova, G., Erts, D . Young's modulus and indirect morphological analysis of Bi2Se3 nanoribbons by resonance measurements. Nanotechnology 2017, 28, 325701, 10.1088/1361-6528/aa79cd Livshits, A.I., Jasulaneca, L., Kosmaca, J., Meija, R., Holmes, J.D., Erts, D. Extra tension at electrode-nanowire adhesive contacts in nano-electromechanical devices. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids 2017, 66, 412-422, 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2017.08.009 Malinovskis, U., Berzins, A., Gahbauer, F.H., Ferber, R., Kitenbergs, G., Muiznieks, I., Erts, D., Prikulis, J. Colloidal nanoparticle sorting and ordering on anodic alumina patterned surfaces using templated capillary force assembly. Surface and Coatings Technology 2017, 326, 264-269, 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.07.057 Malinovskis, U., Berzins, A., Smits, J., Gahbauer, F.H., Ferber, R., Erts, D ., Prikulis, J. Fluorescent nanodiamond array deposition on porous anodized aluminum oxide
Liela laukuma daudzfunkcionālu antibakteriālu un antivirālu nano-pārklājumu uzklāšanas tehnoloģijas
13.12.2023 15:50 Content
. The antimicrobial WO 3 /Cu/WO 3 coatings were optimized by reducing the thicknesses of both WO 3 films to increase the light transmitance and obtain the surface conductivity, since the conductivity of the previously obtained coatings could only be determined for the inner Cu films. For the optimized coatings, the visible light transmittance reaches 55% at 600 nm with the electrical sheet resistance of 30 Ω/□. The samples show a gradual increase in resistance over time. An in-depth analysis of the structure of the coatings by electron microscopy was initiated. The surface of the coatings, which is smooth and without defects or cracks, consists of grains of a few tens of nanometers. In the cross-section images of the samples, all three layers with appropriate thickness are clearly visible. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the presence of Cu (≈1 at.%) in the WO 3 films, which may explain the instability of the samples due to Cu migration. Process optimization and development
Hologrāfiskā ieraksta materiālu izstrāde uz azo-benzola un epoksīda savienojumu bāzes
13.10.2022 13:33 Content
.09.2022-30.09.2022 / Conclusion September 30, 2022 Several copies of school kits have been prepared, ready for pilot projects in schools. Māra Reinfelde and Viktorija Paramonova demonstrated the prototypes of the school set at the Night of Scientists on September 30. Development and completion of methodological material, together with instructions on what is needed and how to use it. The research team describes the know-how required for the successful operation of all three prototypes. An auction is selected for the commercialization of project results. The intellectual property consolidation (material copyrights, know-how and designs) was carried out by the company Foral, while the intellectual property assessment was carried out by the company Pētersonas patent. Successfully completed registration of all three designs in Europe (No. 009161318-0001, No. 009161318-0002, No. 009161318-0003). The auction ends without a result. Further discussions with potential interested parties in Latvia and abroad
My story
22.09.2021 14:34 Content
favoritebooks were onphysics and chemistry, and I was an avid experimenteralthough my experiments werenot always with a positive result. I remember one of my first experiments - I wanted to make sure that the steam was really expanding, so I had lit a fire and boiled waterina stoppered bottle to make sure the cork would really shoot. All this with theintention to becomea designer and make a steam engine. My father also had similar interests, becausein the 1930tieshehadbuilt a radio at home.To save the life stories of my family I used to write down the historical memories of relatives.As part of this, I have discovered that manyin our familyhave talent in thenaturalsciences. For example, my cousin, with whom we study the family tree, did not carry aphonebook with him, becausehe could memorize100 telephone numbers. At school, I was better in chemistry than physics. I had also experimented a lot in my childhood, as chemistry seemed even too easy a science. In the 11th grade, a physics teacher sent
Organic light-emitting diodes based on heavy metal free emissive materials (2021-2023)
13.07.2023 19:30 Content
through the investigation of properties of heavy-metal free organic materials for OLEDs Submitted research findings in reputable scientific journals and presented them at 3 international conferences Future Directions: Based on the outcomes of this project, there are several promising directions for further research and development: Exploration of alternative materials and device architectures to improve efficiency and stability; Investigation of scalable fabrication methods for large-area OLED production; Evaluation of the long-term reliability and environmental impact of the developed OLED devices. We would like to express our gratitude to all project team members, collaborators, and funding agency for their support and contributions throughout the duration of the project. The achievements and knowledge gained through this endeavour will undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of Heavy-metal free organic materials for organic electronics. Project progress 30
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
-1107. Dokane, K. , Mertena, L., Megre, D. , Kondratovics, U. , 2013. Changes in photosynthetic parameters during graft union and adventitious root formation in cutting grafts of Rhododendron subg. h ymenanthes . Acta Horticulturae, 990: 457–464. Grabovskis, A., Marcinkevics, Z. , Rubins, U., Kviesis-Kipge, E., 2013. Effect of probe contact pressure on the photoplethysmographic assessment of conduit artery stiffness. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18: 1–7. Grantina-Ievina, L., Andersone, U ., Berkolde-Pīre, D., Nikolajeva, V ., Ievinsh, G. , 2013. Critical tests for determination of microbiological quality and biological activity in commercial vermicompost samples of different origins. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97: 10541–10554. Grantina-Ievina, L, Minova, S., Rostoks, N. , 2013. Impact of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) transgenic line H228.2A on substrate and rhizosphere microorganisms and the possibility of horizontal gene transfer. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100: 425
In 2013
08.07.2020 20:03 Content
summer! During all renovation works, the UL Botanical Gardenwill be open to visitors and the usual activities will continue. The Foundation has co-financed the first phase of work in the amount of 213,430 euros. Support for the UL Botanical Gardenenvisages restoration and supplementation of collection and exposition plantings, arrangement of the territory infrastructure in accordance with modern requirements - creating and renovating footpaths, pond footbridges, recreation areas to make the garden an attractive place for the general public. engage in research and education, enjoy exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events. "In many parts of the world, in addition to educational and scientific tasks, botanical gardens also serve as quality recreation, inspiration, spending time with dear people, as a place for cultural events. We have thought about and discussed with each other when passing the Botanical Garden. Cooperation with the University of Latvia is another balanced step
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