From the 1st of June, till 4th of June, 2021, Kazan National Research Technical University (KNRTU) hosts MODEST (Modernization of Doctoral Education in Science and Improvement of Teaching Methodologies) Partnership Meeting under Erasmus+ Program.

Event is held in the mixed format. KNRTU welcomes offline participants from National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Yerevan State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, and Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. Online participation is available via ZOOM conference for the Consortium members.

On the 1st of June the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communication held the opening ceremony of the first DTC (Doctoral Training Center) at KNRTU. Virtual reality headset and virtual visit to the University of Latvia were tested by the Consortium members. During the meeting a course in Presentation Skills module (as implemented at KNRTU) and a course in Academic Writing module (as implemented at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) were presented.

On the 2nd of June the members of the consortium listened to the presentations of vice-rector of KNRTU, the representatives of another Erasmus+ Consortium (ENTER) and other participants. The presenters reported on the courses elaborated for the doctoral students. The members of the meeting also visited the Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, which is another site of the DTC. A Cooperation Agreement between National Polytechnic University of Armenia and KNRTU was signed.

On the 3rd of June participants of the meeting presented their reports on the development of the DTCs in their universities and discussed further activities.

The Erasmus+ MODEST project aims at modernization of doctoral education in Sci-ence in European countries and Armenia, Belarus, and Russia. A wider project objec-tive is to enhance cooperation capacities of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Studies within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA).
