In accordance with the internal regulations of the UL, the establishment, monitoring and improvement of the quality management and internal control system at UL is under the responsibility of the Head of Administration (UL Administration Regulation). Under the head of the UL Administration, the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the quality management system shall be carried out by the UL Quality Manager. The functions of the Quality Manager shall also include:
- the establishment and maintenance of the process management methods, and the necessary systems for measurement, assessment and conformity evaluation, ensuring their relevance and completeness;
- analytical assessment of the core activity and support processes, issues related to the management of operational continuity of the UL, including quality risks, and the initiation of the necessary control measures to identify the areas of development and prevention, as well as to review the methods and procedures;
- knowledge of the needs and interests of the actors involved in the activities of the UL and the promotion and facilitation of the participation in the adancement of the quality management system;
- providing advice (support) to administration and staff: participation in the development of the strategy, policies and concepts, as well as in the development of action plans and other documents related to the implementation of the development strategy and monitoring their implementation;
- counselling and training of staff to promote the awareness of quality management and quality assurance;
- participation in the development, implementation and improvement of an integrated management system and in the introduction and implementation of management methods;
- participation in the initiation and deployment of information technology development processes;
- ensuring cooperation with professional quality assurance organisations; etc.
The evaluation of the internal control system of the UL academic, economic and organisational activities is carried out by the UL Auditor. The management of the results of the UL development strategy shall be ensured by a specially division – Institutional Data analise center.
Quality Management is part of the functions of UL Administration. The responsibility for the functioning of the fundamental units of the UL, including faculties, agencies, institutes etc. has been delegated to the heads of the respective units (deans, directors), which also stipulates the responsibility for ensuring quality management in accordance with the regulatory acts of the UL. In quality management, the administrators at all levels of the UL should contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives set out in the UL Strategy and the quality objectives set out in the UL Quality Policy.
Each employee and student, when performing their work duties or studying, cooperating with each other and representing UL in communication with other UL stakeholders, shall be responsible for respecting the values, ethical standards and quality principles of UL set out in the Values and Ethical Standards of UL and UL Quality Policy. The involvement of each UL employee in quality management shall be ensured by their direct administrator through horizontal communication and individually tailored management of the employee’s development. Each UL student’s involvement in quality management shall be coordinated by the study programme director in accordance with the procedures specified by the UL Administration in the UL regulatory acts, including their participation in surveys organised by the UL. UL staff and students are represented in UL Advisory Quality Committee, which has an advisory status and collegial responsibility when involved in promoting the development of the quality management system, its alignment with the current demands of the industry, quality management standards and guidelines, the strategic development directions of UL, as well as the interests of employers, UL students and the society of Latvia.
The involvement of the Student Council and student self-governments in quality management and quality assurance shall be binding on them in accordance with the function of the representation of students' interests in the decision-making bodies of higher education specified in the Law on Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Latvia. The Constitution of the UL Student Council sets out the task of promoting the quality and academic traditions of studies, democracy and individual's initiative, student self-awareness and personality development, healthy lifestyles, civil integration and participation of youth in society. According to the faculty by-laws, the self-government of each faculty shall be responsible for representing and defending the the faculty students’ interests.