Degree to be achieved: Bachelor of Social sciences in Economics
Duration of studies: 4 years (Full time)
Amount of credits: 160 credit points or 240 ECTS
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 6
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 6
Language of instruction: English
Accreditation: the program is accredited until 09.09.2027.
Director and coordinator of the Programme: Prof. Erika Sumilo

Tuition fee 
EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members; Long Term Resident EU - 3200 EUR per Year
Other сountry citizens - 3500 EUR per Year

The aim of the programme is to prepare highly qualified specialists who working in state, private and international institutions will have good command in issues of international economy and commercial diplomacy, will be able to take independent decisions, handle everyday tasks and cooperate with Latvian and foreign organizations, offices and enterprises.

The planned results of the programme are the ensuring of the following general and specific competences: orienting in the processes of the contemporary international economy and the ability to analyse them by using statistical, econometric and other methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis; understanding about the basic conditions of commercial diplomacy in order to participate efficiently in the activities of international trade, finance and other, including negotiations, signing of agreements, representing national or corporate interests etc.; abilities to orient in global economic environment and to take decisions in the circumstances of global competition.

Programme courses

Bachelor’s degree programme „International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy” 

Career opportunities

Graduates are working in the institutions of foreign affairs and economics in Latvia, as well as in the institutions of European Union and in international, state, non-governmental and private organizations, in multinational corporations, in embassies, and banks.

More information about study programme and Study plan

ERASMUS+ exchange possibilities

UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship.  

More information:

ERASMUS + study mobility 
ERASMUS + traineeship moblity   

Admission requirements

  1. General secondary high school diploma
  2. Grade in Mathematics must be no less than 6 in a 10 point grading system
  3. If the secondary education document does not indicate a grade in mathematics, it can be replaced by a grade in the subject of economics/business management field (the grade must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). 
  4. English language proficiency.

As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview.

Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024)


Contact person for questions about the programme structure: 

Director of the Programme                
Prof. Ērika Šumilo


Contact person for questions about the admission process: 

International student advisor for degree studies
Gunita Ēķe