Prof. Emily Farran has been working on neurodevelopmental disorders, spatial cognition in typical and atypical populations. Her current research focuses on typically and atypically developing children, individuals with Autism, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, Attention hyperactivity disorder, and Developmental coordination disorder. Prof. Farran is interested in the areas of navigation, motor performance, mental imagery, spatial language, perceptual integration, visuo-spatial memory, and orientation coding. Her most recent research focuses on the relationship between spatial thinking and Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) in primary school age children.
Prof. Farran is the Director of the Cognition, Genes and Developmental Variability lab at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. She is also Director of Research at the School of Psychology, and Academic Lead Research Culture and Integrity at the University of Surrey.
In 2009 prof. Farran has been awarded the Neil O’Connor Award for research into Developmental Disorders (awarded by the British Psychological Society). Her research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, the Nuffield Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the Education Endowment Fund, the Waterloo Foundation, Autour des Williams, the Williams Syndrome Foundation, and Fondation Jerome Lejeune. Prof. Farran is a honorary member of the University College London.
Robert Blumberg Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science was initiated 2018 in collaboration between the Laboratory of Perception and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia, and Robert Blumberg, honorary member of UL, patron, board member of the organization "Friends of the University of Latvia", and the honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia in the State of Illinois. Robert Blumberg Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science is the only event in Baltic area honouring highest level significant cross-disciplinary contributions in Cognitive Science. Previous lectures and affiliated events have brought together the most important researchers from the fields of perception, psychology, music, mathematics, and neuroscience to mention just a few. Support for this lecture is administered by the University of Latvia Foundation.
The venue and time of the lecture will be announced soon.