Photo: Toms Grīnbergs

MODEST project team has actively started 2021 year by organizing several webinars for doctoral students. In order to have good basis for establishment of Doctoral training centres and to start practical activities MODEST international team will have two webinars.

During webinars we will take a look on following topics:

  • reasons for establishment of Doctoral Training Centers; 
  • problems in the training of PhD students have been improved through the creation of a DTC;
  • how are PhD training programs developing and evolving at the DTC: who makes the decision and how the program is approved, the assessment of the effectiveness of the program (modules), interaction with internal and external partners, ensuring multidisciplinarity, etc.
  • what are the requirements for the knowledge and skills of candidates who want to study at the DTC? 
  • management of the DTC and interaction with academic and industrial partners.
  • networking and information sharing between the Doctoral Training Centers.

Webinars will take place on the following times:

UK Experience in DTC establishment, Irina Grigorieva, Professor of Physics at te University of Manchester25.01. at 16.00 LV time

If you are interested in these topics, please sign yourself on the list here.

EIT Digital Helsinki Doctoral Training Center, Timo Sorsa, Co-location Centre Manager, EIT Digital: 04.02 at 10:00 o'clock LV time;

If you are interested in these topics, please sign yourself on the list here.

Besides that on the 26st of January 2021, 14:00 pm of Helsinki time will be held the MODEST virtual zoom-event which will present the best lectures of developed PhD courses within the MODEST project for the Strand-B “Teaching and Learning”:

More detailed Agenda and Zoom link is available here.

All interested persons are invite to make self registration here.
