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Play activities and interdisciplinarity
skills and skills to implement the learning process by evaluating the integrated methodologies for learning areas in the context of sustainable education. 5. Promote the development of the personal attitudes and critical thinking of learners by integrating theories and knowledge from fields of educational contact and using them in practice, independently and in cooperation with colleague. The language of instruction is Latvian.
SMART Pedagogy
) To introduce the students to the specific nature of teaching in a technology-rich environment; 3) To promote the students’ understanding of the technology-rich learning organisation; 4) To foster the development of students’ individual positions and critical thinking independently integrating theoretical knowledge into practice. Language of instruction: Latvian and English.
Machine Learning for Physicists
The goal of the course is to introduce the students to the basics of data analysis and machine learning methods as an additional tool for finding patterns in data and issuing predictions, by working with data from various physical systems. The tasks of the course are to introduce the students to the elements of data analysis - cleaning, analysis and visualization, based on data from real physical systems; to apply the machine learning algorithms by mathematically modeling various physical systems. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Introduction to Computational Modelling
The goal of the course is to introduce the students to the basics of data analysis and machine learning methods as an additional tool for finding patterns in data and issuing predictions, by working with data from various physical systems. The tasks of the course are to introduce the students to the elements of data analysis - cleaning, analysis and visualization, based on data from real physical systems; to apply the machine learning algorithms by mathematically modelling various physical systems. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Historical Grammar of Latvian
The aim of the course is to develop the linguistic and pragmatic competence of students by creating the theoretical base and practical experience by developing comprehension of the history of the Latvian grammatical system, its role in learning and use of the Modern Latvian language. Study course tasks: 1. To expand the knowledge of the phonetic and grammatical system of Latvian, and its formation; 2. To develop the comprehension of the phonetic and morphological structure of Latvian, and formation of this structure; 3. To develop the linguistic competence of students by independently using the acquired knowledge in a diachronic analysis of language units. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Historical Grammar of Latvian
The aim of the course is to develop the linguistic and pragmatic competence of students by creating the theoretical base and practical experience by developing comprehension of the history of the Latvian grammatical system, its role in learning and use of the Modern Latvian language. Study course tasks: 1. To expand the knowledge of the phonetic and grammatical system of Latvian, and its formation; 2. To develop the comprehension of the phonetic and morphological structure of Latvian, and formation of this structure; 3. To develop the linguistic competence of students by independently using the acquired knowledge in a diachronic analysis of language units. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Stylistics and Text-Formation
The aim of the course is to develop the linguistic and pragmatic competence of students by creating the theoretical base and practical experience by developing comprehension of the history of the Latvian grammatical system, its role in learning and use in the Modern Latvian language. Study course tasks: 1. To expand the knowledge of the style system of Latvian, and its functions; 2. To develop the comprehension of the peculiarities of Latvian styles, their connection with the language standardization; 3. To develop the linguistic competence of students by independently using the acquired knowledge in a stylistic analysis of language units. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Latvian Folklore
This is an introductory course for learning the basics of Latvian folklore and folklore studies. The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of folklore in its various forms and its research. Tasks: to give an insight into the history of Latvian folklore research and methodology, to mark the context of classical folklore, especially the connection with the calendar cycle and life-cycle celebrations, to look at the most important verbal and non-verbal forms of Latvian folklore, to mark the connection with mythology, to offer an insight into contemporary Latvian folklore, the context and forms of its existence. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Latvian Folklore
This is an introductory course for learning the basics of Latvian folklore and folklore studies. The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of folklore in its various forms and its research. Tasks: to give an insight into the history of Latvian folklore research and methodology, to mark the context of classical folklore, especially the connection with the calendar cycle and life-cycle celebrations, to look at the most important verbal and non-verbal forms of Latvian folklore, to mark the connection with mythology, to offer an insight into contemporary Latvian folklore, the context and forms of its existence. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Methods of Extracurricular Work in the Technology Field of Study
The aim of the course is to promote students’ competence in planning, leading and evaluating out-of-class work. Objectives of the course: 1. To acquaint students with the aims and content of out-of-class work, their reflection in normative documents and teaching and learning materials. 2. To acquire the skill of planning out-of-class work and its teaching and learning process, taking into consideration individualization, personalization and differentiation by selecting appropriate approaches, methods, strategies, and teaching and learning tools. 3. To acquire the skill of using formative and summative assessment to give positive feedback, to choose the assessment criteria and the type of testing, to acquire the understanding of involving learners in the assessment process. The course is delivered in Latvian.
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