An interregional cooperation project for improving SME competitiveness policies – SKILLS+

Programme: Interreg Europe

Theme: SME competitiveness

Lead Partner: Ministry for Regional Development and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)

Duration: 1 Apr 2016 – 31 Mar 2021

Project budget: EUR 2,462,052

SKILLS+ aims at advancing public policies promoting information and communication technologies (ICT) skills among SMEs in rural areas helping them seize fully the opportunities offered by a digital single market and benefits of a digital economy.

Infographics on the Skills+ reseach results and other project outcomes (detailed info)

Summary Infographic on Skills+ outcomes

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund at a rate of 79.51% and Norwegian national funding through the INTERREG EUROPE programme. The project together twelve partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Spain.

Project Skills+ in Latvia is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia.


Ziņas-News on Skills+

Latvijas Universitāte aicina piedalīties vebināros mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu (MVU) digitalizācijas veicināšanai (23.01.2022)

Latvijas Universitāte aicina piedalīties vebinārā "Digitāli biznesa risinājumi pandēmijas apstākļos lauku reģionos" (12.12.2021)

Latvijas Universitāte aicina piedalīties vebinārā "Inovatīvas ekosistēmas kā stimuls digitālo pakalpojumu attīstībai lauku reģionos" (14.11.2021)

Eiropas Savienības INTERREG EIROPA projekta SKILLS+ noslēguma konference tiešsaistē jau šā gada 2. decembrī (27.11.2020)

Latvijas Universitātes veikums ES INTERREG EIROPA programmas projekta SKILLS+ ietvaros (20.04.2018)

Latvijas Universitāte ES INTERREG EIROPA programmas projektā SKILLS+ sniegs pētniecisko ekspertīzi (28.09.2016)



SKILLS+ website:


Project Manager: Zane Zeibote,