Experience transfer in personnel competence building in the matter of „Tourism for All/Accessible Tourism - ComPass 2016
Programme: Erasmus+
Relevant topics: “Health and wellbeing”,”Intercultural/intergenerational education & lifelong learning” and “Migrants' issues”
Project duration: 10/2016 – 03/2019 (30 Months)
Project partners:
- Shared Enterprise CIC, London, Great Britain
- KAZUIST spol. S.r.o., Třinec, Czech Republic
- Fundacion Nuestra Señora Bien Aparecida, Ampuero, Spain
- Latvijas Universitate, Riga, Latvia
- EEO Group S.A, Athens, Greece
Funded by the European Union under the Erasmus Plus program - cooperation for innovation and exchange of best practices - KA2 Strategic Partnerships.
Project goals: The aim of the ComPass is to develop a targeted, practice-oriented exchange of experience between tourism operators of the participating European partner regions on the general subject: “Training and qualification requirements for employees of micro and small tourism enterprises in Accessible tourism” with the help of training and further training experiences by focusing on the key aspects:
- Professional qualification in high-priced tourism regions
- Tourism for ethnic minorities
- Tourism for the so-called “3rd Generation”
- Necessary management knowledge
Problems identified by the partners:
- Lack of awareness of tourism providers, particularly in small and smallest tourism companies regarding the qualification requirements in "tourism for all/Accessible tourism"
- Partial absence of effective, informal education and training approaches and methods of improving staff skills on "Tourism for all/Accessible tourism"
Project activities:
6 learning and experience exchanges between regional tourism entrepreneurs of the participating partner regions through the implementation of 5 day on-site visits (so-called mobility) with the aim of acquiring ideas and getting to know good practices and methods, develop and strengthen networks and to gather experiences of the transnational collaboration.
Project activities in Latvia are related to the exchange of experience on the topic “VET in the Tourism branch under the cluster prospective” and visit to good practice practitioners in the Riga region.
PROJECT ROADSHOW (Study visits):
- October 2016: First experience exchange in Burg (Spreewald, Germany)
- May 2017: Second experience exchange in Ostrava (North Moravia and Silesia, Czech Republic)
- October 2017: Third study visit in Santander (Cantabria Region, Spain)
- April 2018: Fourth study visit in London (United Kingdom)
- September 2018: Fifth study visit in Riga and Jūrmala (Latvia)
- January 2019: Final study visit in Athens (Greece)
For more information, please contact: Denize Ponomarjova, denize.ponomarjova@lu.lv, Project "ComPass" Manager in Latvia.