Summer School Development Programme for European HEIs - SumHEIs

Vasaras skolu attīstības programma Eiropas augstākās izglītības iestādēs

Programme: Erasmus+ (Key Action 203)

Duration: 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2021 (extended till 31.08.2022 due to the Corona)


Project is represented by 7 partners (mostly HEI) from Italy, Greece, Ireland and Latvia  

Leader:  Sapienza University of Rome


University of Latvia

University of Pavia

Metropolitan College

University of West Attica

Maynooth National University of Ireland

SYDIC - System Dynamics Italian Chapter


SumHEIs project is targeted at developing summer schools at the European higher education institutions (HEI) by increasing quality and quantity; to improve the delivery of services in existing summer schools (e.g. increasing skill of summer schools’ representatives) and to foster new initiatives among HEIs.

The project's main challenge is to design a Summer School Office Model as an innovative and prototype tool for the development of a successful summer school to be used by HEIs.

Main products (outputs) to be delivered:

OI1 - SWOT Analysis on Summer School Programmes in HEIs (available in English)

This is the final report of the results of the research held by the consortium involving Academic and Administrative Staff of European HEIs from Italy, Greece, Latvia and Ireland. In this document are introduced the results from the surveys, SWOT analysis and interviews performed in these countries, that allowed partners to better understand the practices and needs of summer school programs around Europe. It includes best practices, roles and responsibilities of staff, services and procedures, new drivers and challenges. It also incorporates the full SWOT analysis of summer school programs.

IO2 - Development of Capacity-building Programme for Academic & Administrative Staff on Summer School Programmes (available in English)

This report includes and discusses all findings and outcomes of the Training Needs Analysis in the partner countries. The aim of the Training Needs Assessment is to design a training plan, coherent and aligned to the actual needs of the staff and academic (necessary skills for designing and managing summer schools)s. This report also includes information for the Curriculum Outline and the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).

Training Needs Analysis is includes also  the results of SumHEIS Validation Workshop that tool place on 24 March 2021. Participants of the event – experts on the summer schools from Latvia, Italy, Greece and Ireland.


IO3 - Design and Development of Summer School Office

  • Services for Procedural and Functional Improvement of Summer School Programmes
  • Design of a "Model Summer School Office"
  • Development of a Summer School Communication Strategy for HEIs

IO4Design and Development of the Summer School Development Open Educational Platform

  • Design of the Summer School Open Educational Platform
  • Development of the Summer School Open Educational Platform
  • Pilot-testing and fine-tuning of the Open Educational Platform

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