Innovative Business Transfer Models for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region - KAforHR

Programme: Erasmus+ (Key Action 2)

Project duration: 01.11.2018 – 31.10.2021 (extended till 31.01.2022 due to the Corona)

Total Budget: 845 572.00 EUR

Aim of the project:

Together with chambers, universities and SMEs, this project aims to build a strong alliance in the field of human resources and workplace innovations. Through intense cooperation, trainings that impart skills and abilities in the area of workplace innovations are developed and tested, R&D tasks in companies are carried out and a dual bachelor study course is designed.

One of the main project's tasks are to tackle challange related to the lack of qualified workforce, to strength cooperation between University and SME, and to foster workplace innovation in the Baltic Sea  Region countries thus helping SMEs to remain competitive.

The main outputs of the KAforHR:

1. Development and implementation of "Train the Trainer"  programme

2. Development and implementation of further educations programs (incl, curricula and teaching materials): 

3. Development and testing of Dual Bachelor Study Programme “Human Resources and Business Administration” (developed by LU CETS team).

KAforHR Handbook is providing a concept, practical guidelines and curricula of the dual study programme "HR and Business Administration" It is also summarising an experience of dual education (dual training) in Germany, Latvia, Poland and Finland. The concept of the programme “Human Resources and Business Administration" is elaborated following the well-proven long-term experience of German dual education system - integrating work-based and university-learning to prepare students for a successful transition to a full-time employment (dual studies = 50% at the SMEs and 50% of time at the Uni). See also video presentation below.

4. Development and implementation of solutions for R&D tasks of SMEs  - Best Practices tool "Workplace Innovations" (see video below)

Partner countries: Finland, Poland, Latvia, Germany


Lead partner:  Baltic Sea Academy (Germany)

Other Partners: 

  • Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  • The Baltic Institute of Finland (Finland)
  • JJM-Rakentajat Ltd (Finland) 
  • Tasowheel Group By (Finland)
  • Gdansk University of Technology (Poland) 
  • Pomeranian Chamber of Handicrafts for SMEs (Poland)
  • Hydromechanika Ltd (Poland)
  • Centre for European and Transition Studies (Latvia)
  • Vides Dizains (Latvia)
  • Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvia)
  • Arbeit und Zukunft (Germany)

For more information:

For more results and achievements, pls visit KAforHR official website.

Denīze Ponomarjova
Project Manager
(+371) 28241115 


Projekta KAforHR mērķis:

Lai Baltijas jūras reģiona MVU ilgtermiņā saglabātu konkurētspēju, ir jāstiprina to inovācijas spēja. Cilvēku kapitāls ir vissvarīgākais resurss inovāciju un produktivitātes uzlabošanai. Tādējādi projekts KAforHR koncentrējas uz inovatīvu darba vietu veicināšanu.

Projekta mērķis ir veicināt sadarbību starp partnervalstu tirdzniecības kamerām, universitātēm un MVU, lai veidotu partnerību cilvēkresursu un darbavietu inovāciju jomā. Projekta ietvaros tiks izstrādātas apmācības, kuras attīstīs kompetences darbavietu inovāciju jautājumos. Kā arī projekta ietvaros tiks veikti pētījumi un izstrādāts duālās izglītības bakalaura studiju kurss.

KAforHR projekta BROŠŪRA

The KAforHR concept on dual study programme HR and Business Administration

Results of the KAforHR R&D development tasks on HR and Workplace Innovations