The first partners’ meeting of the GIFT project was held in Santiago de Compostela from 6-8 June 2023

University of Latvia participates in DigiBEST final conference

Final conference of the DigiBEST project

The University of Latvia participates in the EU project "InnoCom - Innovative communication for communication with companies"

University of Latvia participates in the DistanceLAB project to increase the resilience of SMEs in the Baltic Sea region

Seminārā diskutēs par Krievijas kara pret Ukrainu ietekmi uz Eiropas Savienību

InnovaSPA│ 4th Newsletter released

Online guest lecture "From the CNN Effect to the Fake News: How the Decline of Quality Journalism Reshapes the World Politics" 01.12. (14:45)

InnovaSPA│ 2nd Newsletter has been produced