On Thursday, April 20, the Rimi Olympic Centre, a florball field, will host the University of Latvia (LU) florball night tournament.

Traditionally, LU sports night tournaments are organised by the LU sports Centre in cooperation with the LU Student Council. This will be a great opportunity for members of the course and simply good friends studying at the University of Latvia to participate in an interesting sports event in an unconventional atmosphere.

The tournament matches will take place on 10 x 20 m big Square, a 3-for-3 format plus goalkeepers. The tournament will take place at Rimi Olympic Centre (Groston Street 6b), kick-off at 23.15, registration from noon 23.00. The application for participation in the tournament must be sent by 19 April. 23:59 to email sacensibas@lu.lv

Tournament organisers are urging every LU student to be active, organise a team and apply, doing so regardless of the level of mastery. Participation in the tournament is free of charge, but only LU students and staff are allowed to participate, not including the goalkeeper, because teams are allowed to attract a goalkeeper who is a student of another university. It is imperative for every team to provide themselves with a goalkeeper.

Sports night tournaments in LU have been running regularly for more than a decade.

More information about LU sports night tournaments can be found on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/lunaktsturniri/
