Dalība EUREF analīzes centru sanāksmē

Šī gada no 15.10. – 17.10.2019, Varšavā, Polijā, norisinājās EUREF analīzes centru sanāksme, kur vādošā pētniece Inese Vārna ir piedalījusies ar prezentāciju "Contribution of GGI – EPN Densification Analysis Centre”.

University of Latvia 77th International Scientific Conference "Geodynamics and Geospatial Research 2019"

77th International Scientific Conference "Geodynamics and Geospatial Research 2019" was organised by the scientific staff of GGI, where project results were presented at international level: besides Latvian scientists, colleagues from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany were also participating and presented their research. The conference was held in Riga, March 20-22, 2019. 

More information can be found here.

The 5th EUPOS council meeting

On 14th-15th of November, 2018, the 5th EUPOS council meeting was held in Tallinn, Estonia. In terms of the meeting, Ingus Mitrofanovs has presented the preliminary project results. Presentation can be found here.

UL GGI project results are performed at international exhibition InterGEO 2018

InterGEO was held in Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany, October 16-18, 2018. GGI researcher has presented both project results and scientific software developement for gravity field and quasi-geoid determination. The title of presentation is “QGeoid Computation of Western Part of Latvia, Parameter Estimation and Optimization Concepts for Gravity Field Determination” and it can be found here

International Symposium Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2 "Gravity Field of the Earth"

International Symposium Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, September 17-21, 2018. The project results on a topic "Preliminary results on Quasi-geoid of Latvia using Vertical Deflection observations" were presented by GGI researcher Katerina Morozova. The presented poster can be found here

In terms of the project, UL GGI researchers participate at NKG General Assembly

Nordic Geodetic Commission General Assembly was held in Helsinki, Finland, September 3-6, 2018. Leading reseacher dr. sc. ing. Inese Varna and researcher Katerina Morozova took part in it and presented two poster presentations on project results:

I. Varna "Velocity Fields of the Latvian CORS Station Daily Coordinates for 2012-2017" poster presentation can be found here.

K. Morozova “Preliminary results on qgeoid for Western part of Latvia using Digital-Zenith camera and DFHRS software” poster presentation can be found here.