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  • Canada: Strategic Knowledge Cluster - Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue. funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Coordinator-  Carleton University, Ottawa.

  • Interregional SME Supply Chain Clusters along the Northeast Corridor. EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, Interreg, leader – Senator for Economic Affairs and Ports, Bremen, Germany.

  • The Objective of Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion in Member States’ Regional Policies. European Commission DG Regio (No. 2009.CE.16.0.AT.018/ 2009.CE.16.CAT.014). Leader – Stratchclude University, Glasgow.
  • Regional Governance in the Context of Globalization. Cohesion Policy in Latvia 2007-2013. EC DG Regio. No. 2008CE160AD056, leader-SWECO Euro futures AB, Stockholm.

  • Master courses in European Integration Studies – Scholarships for ENP Countries and Russia. EC DG Education and Culture, No. 2008-2177/001 –2.