Search Activities, Research and pubblication according to the year: 








  • Canada: Strategic Knowledge Cluster - Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue. funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Coordinator: Carleton University, Ottawa.

  • Ex post Evaluation of Management and Implementation EU Cohesion Funds (WP 11 Management and Implementation Systems for Cohesion Policy). EC DG Regio, No. 2007 CE 16 0 AT 034, leader - Stratchclyde University, Glasgow.

  • Assessing and Benchmarking Financial Participation of Employees in the EU 25. Survey on Latvia. EC DG Employment, Social Affairs, No. VS/2006/770,  leader- Free University Berlin.

  • Marie Curie Research Training Network Transnationality of Migrants: Enduring ties with the Home Country and Integration in the Host Country. MRTN – CT -2006 –035873, T EC, DG Research, leader-  Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" – CEIS, Rome.

  • Interdisciplinary Approach to Assess the Impact of the European Innovation Policy and Common Energy Policy on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of Latvia. Grant scheme: LR Ministry of Education and Research. No. 2007/ZP-49.

  • Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Integration. EC DG Education and Culture, CO03/0085.
  • Tuning-Methodological Structures in Europe. Socrates Programme, EC DG Education.

  • Baltic Business and Socio Economic Development in the Baltic Sea Region. Joined Project: CETS, University of Latvia and Wismar Business School, University of Technology, funded by Bundesbank,  the Baltisch –  Deutsches Hochschulkontor and the Staatskanzlei Mecklenburg– Vorpommern.

  • Canada – the EU Public Diplomacy Project. EC DG External Relations, leader- Capilano University, Canada.

  • Master courses in European Integration Studies – Scholarships for ENP Countries and Russia. EC DG Education and Culture, No. 2008-2177/001 –2.

  • Challenge and Illuminate Regional Creators and Unfold Societal Strength (INNOVATION CIRCUS). EC DG Research No.038825, leader- Copenhagen University.

  • January. 3rd Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Workshop on the Energy Statistics and Use of Statistical Data for Analysis of Economic Development, Eurostat (Luxembourg);
  • March/April. 4th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Workshop on the Role of Monetary Policy in Global Economy, Academy of the German Federal Bank (Hahenburg, Germany), European Central Bank (Frankfurt a.M., Germany);
  • October. 5th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of  Mr. Juris Kanels on Territorial Reform in Latvia.