- Canada: Strategic Knowledge Cluster - Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue. funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Coordinator- Carleton University, Ottawa.

- The Objective of Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion in Member States’ Regional Policies. European Commission DG Regio (No. 2009.CE.16.0.AT.018/ 2009.CE.16.CAT.014). Leader – Stratchclude University, Glasgow.
- Regional Governance in the Context of Globalization. Cohesion Policy in Latvia 2007-2013. EC DG Regio. No. 2008CE160AD056, leader-SWECO Euro futures AB, Stockholm.

- Ex post Evaluation of Management and Implementation EU Cohesion Funds (WP 11 Management and Implementation Systems for Cohesion Policy). EC DG Regio, No. 2007 CE 16 0 AT 034, leader - Stratchclyde University, Glasgow.

- Assessing and Benchmarking Financial Participation of Employees in the EU 25. Survey on Latvia. EC DG Employment, Social Affairs, No. VS/2006/770, leader- Free University Berlin.

- Marie Curie Research Training Network Transnationality of Migrants: Enduring ties with the Home Country and Integration in the Host Country. MRTN – CT -2006 –035873, T EC, DG Research, leader- Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" – CEIS, Rome.

- Interdisciplinary Approach to Assess the Impact of the European Innovation Policy and Common Energy Policy on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of Latvia. Grant scheme: LR Ministry of Education and Research. No. 2007/ZP-49.

- Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Integration. EC DG Education and Culture, CO03/0085.
- Tuning-Methodological Structures in Europe. Socrates Programme, EC DG Education.

- Baltic Business and Socio Economic Development in the Baltic Sea Region. Joined Project: CETS, University of Latvia and Wismar Business School, University of Technology, funded by Bundesbank, the Baltisch – Deutsches Hochschulkontor and the Staatskanzlei Mecklenburg– Vorpommern.

- Canada – the EU Public Diplomacy Project. EC DG External Relations, leader- Capilano University, Canada.

- Master courses in European Integration Studies – Scholarships for ENP Countries and Russia. EC DG Education and Culture, No. 2008-2177/001 –2.

- 27 May. 6th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Meeting with H.E. Ambassador of Canada; topics of presentation and discussions: Research opportunities in Canada and Economic growth patterns in Latvia and in Canada and impacts of global recession;
- 17 September. 7th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of guest lecturer Prof. Dr.oec. Svetlana Grigorjeva on Entrepreneurial Economics in Latvia ("Предпринимательская экономика в Латвии")
- 30 October. 8th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of Ms. Zane Cunska on Impacts of Demography on Higher Education in Latvia.

Muravska, T., Berlin, A., Lavalle, E. (ed.) (2009), Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future, Canada- European Union-Baltic States-Nordic Countries, Riga: University of Latvia.
Prause, G., Muravska, T. (eds.) (2009), Baltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2008, Berlin: BERLINER WISSENSCHAFTS-VERLAG GmbH