EU External Actions and Triple A Countries: Socio-economic Outlook

The main objective of the course is to carry out a detailed analysis of European Union external actions in relation to the Triple A countries focused on socio-economic aspects.  The first part of the course is based on analysis of their economic, social and environmental conditions of Asian, Central Asian, African, Caribbean and Pacific and American continent countries. Attention is given to national economies and sectorial analysis of the subject countries.

In the second part of the course the focus of studies is on EU cooperation policies with developed Triple A countries. The outlook of EU – USA and EU – Canada bilateral economic dialogues, its dynamics and cooperation conditions is a part of the course. The benefits of the EU – USA Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and EU – Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) are studied and discussed in the course.

In the third part of the course students are provided with insights of EU agenda in development policies in African, Asian, Central Asian, Caribbean and Pacific and Latin American countries. Special attention will be given to financial aid as well as trade, investments and regional development programmes in these countries.