Application Requirements

1. CV
Must include:

  • Academic experience
  • Relevant ongoing/completed courses
  • Relevant work experience pertaining to the internship.

2. Statement of Research Interests 

Prospective applicants are to submit a statement that does not exceed 750 words describing:

  • Research and academic interests, background, and skills pertaining to specific research areas (ie. economics, political science, law, public administration and/or regional policy issues)
  • Contribution to the current research at CETS
  • Duration of desired internship.  

3. Letter of Recommendation

One (1) letter of recommendation from the academic supervisor the applicant has worked with.

Letters should include:

  • Academic achievement, research potential, originality, judgement, motivation, ability to work independently, oral and written expression
  • Referees should justify their assessment by describing any special aptitudes, strengths, and weaknesses the applicant may have.