May 12-13, Riga, Latvia

About the Conference

The 18th conference Teaching mathematics: retrospective and perspectives will be held in the University of Latvia, from May 12 to May 13, 2017 and it is organized by the University of Latvia, A.Liepas Correspondence Mathematics School. The aim of the conference is to report and discuss significant recent research and activities related to mathematical education.  Conference covers broad area of research including teaching and learning of mathematics at primary, secondary and higher levels, textbooks and other curricular materials, history of mathematics education, mathematics teacher education and teachers’ professional development, technology in mathematics education etc. Traditionally, this conference series has attracted researchers and educators from Baltic and Northern European countries. Main topics Teaching and learning mathematics
Education and professional development of mathematics teachers
Technology in mathematics education
History of mathematics education
The work of the conference will be organized in plenary sessions and parallel sections according to the main themes. Working language of the Conference is English. It is possible to prepare presentation slides in English and give a talk in Russian.