Aim of the project

Aim of the project "Starpdisciplināra jauno zinātnieku grupa Latvijas purvu un to resursu izpētei, ilgtspējīgai izmantošanai un aizsardzībai " is to form a group of new scientists for investigation of biological diversity of bogs found in Latvia and the possibilities of innovative usage of resources as well as management of bogs; founding of bog research center which will employ 3 people. In the determination of project tasks bogs dual nature were taken in account. From one side bogs are globally important and protected ecosystems, from the other side they are economically important resource which should be rationally used. Thus project tasks were determined:
  • Biological diversity of bogs;
  • Investigation of bog water bodies;
  • Determination of biologically active substances found in bog vegetation;
  • High and low bog peat investigation and usage;
  • Development of plan how to restore degraded bogs and wetland ecosystems.