In conference on 28th and 29th of April at University of Latvia, Faculty of Law European health law experts from all over the Europe will discuss actual issues of health law - bioethics, the right to health and challenges and limits to that right, European health law future and strategy, health law situation, issues and challenges in Latvia, European patients rights, etc..

The European Health Law Conference in University of Latvia in Riga will gather together health law and policy experts to examine and to discuss today’s critical challenges in European health law, in respect to access to health care. It is an opportunity to share scientific knowledge and to stimulate the development of innovative tools for meeting modern demands.

Health Care is a Human Right 

“Everyone, irrespective of their ability to pay, should have access to the health services they need, without putting their families at financial risk”.
Joint WHO and World Bank statement, 19 February, 2013 Health is a value in itself and is also a pre-condition for economic growth and social cohesion. The discourse of human rights greatly impacted the rapid evolution of health care law in Europe. Continuing debates rage over how to balance citizen’s growing demands for universal access to health care with UN development goals. The challenge of recognizing the right to health care while at the same providing access to that health care creates in implementation problems.    Attachments
Conference full programme   More information at conference web-page:
