SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT HERE (Via Google Forms) in English or the language of the presentation if not English. The preferred length of the abstract is 200 to 250 words. All the abstracts will undergo a blind review process. To facilitate it, it is advisable that the contributors adhere to the requirements. Abstracts that do not comply with the given requirements will not be accepted.

The abstracts should provide information about the goal of the research, methodology, main findings and conclusions. It is expected that the paper presented at LINCS 2019 is original and has not been previously presented, published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The notification of acceptance and the inclusion of the abstract in the symposium programme will be e-mailed by February 15, 2019. 

Subfield of research (semantics, pragmatics, text and corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, language acquisition, lexicology, lexicography, translation and interpretation, culture and literature studies)


Abstract text: 200 to 250 words

Key-words (max. 5): key-word 1, key-word 2, key-word 3, key-word 4, key-word 5