Special emphasis will be placed on the youth, at the Global MIL Week Youth Agenda Forum, to take place on 26 October, 2018, at the University of Latvia, in Riga, Latvia.

Young people’s voices will resonate loudly in the global commemoration of MIL Week as well as the feature events. Youth will be engaged not just as target groups for MIL training but also as actors and as part of the solution to achieve media and information literate societies.


The Global MIL Week 2018 Feature Conference and Youth Agenda Forum are co-organized by UNESCOUniversity of Latvia (Latvia) and Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). The two universities are both members of the UNESCO-UNAOC UNITWIN Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) University Network.


The Global MIL Week Youth Agenda Forum will include thematic panels and hands-on workshops by various young people and youth organizations and leaders. Workshops will be innovative and creative, incorporating music, memes, poetry etc. The GAPMIL Youth Committee will lead certain actions including activities on social media via MIL CLICKS. MORE INFORMATION
