Zaiga Krisjane, Elina Apsite Berina, Maris Berzins during the meetings at the Oslo University with Kristian Stokke un Michael Gentile.

The Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences (University of Latvia) took part in a bilateral support measures project “Knowledge transfer on urban geographical themes between Norwegian and Latvian geographers” (project no. BFP/2017/22) goal of the activity was to expand cooperation network between Latvian and Norwegian geographers by transferring knowledge in human geography particularly focusing on contemporary issues in subfield of urban geography.

The project was funded by the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grant bilateral support measures. Representatives from University of Latvia visited Oslo University from October 25 – 27. During the visit several meetings to enhance further collaboration with Norwegian geographers took place. The activities of project “Strengthening and transferring the intellectual capital among geographers in Latvia and Norway” were carried out with a help of co-funding from Norwegian finance instrument and the state budget of Latvia. Project number: EEZ/NFI/S/2015/009. Detailed description of project is available here.   Project No.: BFP/2017/22
Partners: Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia
Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo
Implementation terms: 25.10.2017.-27.10.2017
LU department: Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
The goal of the Project:
The goal of the activity is to expand cooperation network between Latvian and Norwegian geographers by transferring knowledge in human geography particularly focusing on contemporary issues in subfield of urban geography.
