

Dear Author, we are pleased to know, that you kindly decided to submit your Abstract (1 page) to the Conference Progress on Difference Equations before March 15, 2016 by e-mail:  pode2016@lu.lv . Acceptance before April 1, 2016.  Abstract submission deadline is extended till March 25, 2016!

On our server you will find style files, which will ease your job with the preparation of your paper and will assure the good technical quality of the book. These files are prepared for LaTeX users.

The LaTeX class file and samples for PODE2016 style can be downloaded from PODE2016.zip.

Separate files for ABSTRACTS are as follows: work class for LaTeX2e version - pode2016.cls, empty form for your abstract - templata.tex, guide to the abstract style - sample.tex,  in PDF format - sample.pdf.

If you are working with LaTeX, with this macro's you will be able to produce the working copy of your paper, which we will be pleased to receive from you.

If you are working with TEX, AMSTEX, or other implementations of TEX, we will be pleased to receive your version of the paper.

If you do not work with TEX you may supply us your paper prepared with any kind of word processor or desktop publishing software, indicating what kind and which version of software you have been using.